Notice Board

 Notices  October/November 2020
Chapel Notices December 2020
Chapel Notices January/February 2021
Chapel Notices April/May 2021
Chapel Notices May 2022
Chapel Notices June 2022
Chapel Notices July 2022
Chapel Notices August 2022
Chapel Notices September 2022
Chapel Notices November 2022
Chapel Notices December 2022
Chapel Notices January 2023
Chapel Notices February 2023
Chapel Notices March 2023
Chapel Notices April 2023
Chapel Notices May 2023
Chapel Notices June 2023
Chapel Notices July 2023
Chapel Notices August 2023
Chapel Notices September 2023
Chapel Notices October 2023
Chapel Notices November 2023
Chapel Notices December 2023
Chapel Notices February 2024
Chapel Notices March 2024
Chapel Notices April 2024
Chapel Notices June 2024

Forget-Me-Not Patterns

Robin Hood Hat

(Click on the above highlighted text to open a selected newsletter)       


Alzheimer's Disease

Would you like to knit or crochet a 'forget-me-not' flower?
The idea is to do a collage of flowers in the village library to remember all those with the disease.
Contact Sue Dunsmore for further information and a pattern

Please note car parking at the funeral directors on Devon Lane is no longer available. On street parking near the chapel is restricted so it is suggested to park on chapel lane.

Grantham Passage
Grantham and District Poverty Concern Group is a registered charity 106003 incorporating Grantham Passage which provides without judgement daily hot meals and other assistance for the homeless. These meals are at drop-in centres located in different churches in Grantham.
Our church supports Grantham Passage by donating food and other necessities.

(click link above to view)

To find out more about Grantham Passage and The Grantham and District Poverty Action Group please visit

Praying in the Street
We visit designated local streets on a rota basis putting prayer cards through letterboxes and praying for those streets.
There is a Prayer Book available in the church vestibule for any requests and the prayers are offered during Sunday Worship.

Plastic Tops
Dove Cottage Day Hospice are collecting plastic tops such as shampoo tops, washing up liquid tops, bottle tops, - all washed please. For further information please contact Gill Flood.

Sunday Flowers
After each Sunday worship the flowers are available to give to anyone who is sad, ill or received good or bad news. They do not need to be a member of the congregation. 

Circuit News
Please refer to the black folder in the church vestibule.

Methodist Curch